What is FCC?

FCC is an acronym for Fearless Conversations for Coaches.

Fearless Conversations for Coaches: How to talk to anyone about anything at any time.

Check out these facts:

  • If you're a coach, therapist, or healing professional, your business success is dependent on becoming the best Coach you can possibly be for referrals, retention, and results.
  • Coaching skills are the #1 requested skill for managers and executives.
  • If you want to increase your emotional intelligence and gain self-mastery, coaching skills are a must.
  • Coaching skills are what the pros use to negotiate, set up boundaries, empower others and connect powerfully with the people they love and lead.

In this LIVE virtual three-day event, Rhonda will show you how to turn any difficult conversation into a Fearless one.

If your profession or passion is to “coach” your clients or your team or to improve your most important relationships - family, friends, loved ones, children - then coaching skills are critical for your success.

You'll not only learn our proprietary 8 Coaching Skills, but you'll also practice them in real-time so they get into your bones! Plus, we'll show you how to stop "Dirty Coaching™" and what to do instead.

If you want to become the best "Coach" you can possibly be, Check it out here. 

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